Baba's Daily Life

Baba's Daily Life

On the day Special November comes to an end

This November, which I believe marked about the third significant milestone in my life, brought the celebration of surpa...
Baba's Daily Life

Living in the Japanese countryside on weekends【October 2023 Summary Gallery】

October, marking the end of summer and the onset of true autumn, was a month filled with both delightful and busy events...
Baba's Daily Life

Looking down from the park where winter cherry blossoms bloom onto the lake

Lake Kanana is an artificial reservoir created by the Shimokubo Dam, spanning across Fujioka City in Gunma Prefecture an...
Baba's Daily Life

Repairing Soba-making Tools

At Grandma's house, there are tools for making handcrafted soba.These tools, estimated to be made nearly 100 years ago, ...
Baba's Daily Life

Living in the Japanese countryside on weekends【September 2023 Summary Gallery】

This September, despite the calendar indicating the end of summer, the weather remained surprisingly hot. Unusual weathe...
Baba's Daily Life

Carrot Germination and Grandma

Cultivating carrots, it seems, can be challenging to germinate.Second Son, who cultivates carrots in Grandpa and Grandma...
Baba's Daily Life

Living in the Japanese countryside on weekends【August 2023 Summary Gallery】

This year, Japan experienced abnormal weather conditions, with a prolonged heatwave in the northern part of Saitama Pref...
Baba's Daily Life

Living in the Japanese countryside on weekends【July 2023 Summary Gallery】

Summer is here!July brings an unmistakable summer vibe, with both people and nature embracing the heat.Summer Traditions...
Baba's Daily Life

Living in the Japanese countryside on weekends【June 2023 Summary Gallery】

Before the onset of the rainy season, busy June unfolds in the northern part of Saitama Prefecture with various farming ...
Baba's Daily Life

Living in the Japanese countryside on weekends【May 2023 Summary Gallery】

This is a photo gallery from May, including the Golden Week camping trip!Well, it's not like it's a huge deal, but I und...